Après la Belgique, New-York, Monaco... La France à la Galerie Titren
"Ce n'est certainement pas par hasard qu'il soit le seul artiste à avoir obtenu de la part du fonds ou des Studios Walt Disney la licence exclusive pour intégrer et reproduire dans sa langue imagée les personnages des dessins animés Disney.
Ces personnages tels Mickey, Donald et Daisy et le nain Dormeur de Blanche Neige ne sont plus seulement des personnages connus, mais aussi des icônes d'une manière d'être et de penser occidentale, des projections d'un mode de vie social ou d'un mode de comportement social."
"Playful and universal
The plastic oevre of Don Ken wich largely consists of paintings in different sizes but asso comprises spatial objects, installations and whether or not monumental sculptures, looks very modern and has furthermore acquired international standing.
It could just as well have been German, French, British or American, both because of the visual language in itself and the spirit which inspires it. Form and concept have developed slowly: they bear the watermark of a strong personality with a broad intellectual baggage, they possess the supple and swift spontaneity of an artist who worked his own way through and nestled and created a unique profile of himself within this colourful individuality."
"Today is mine" 50 x 60 cm (cliquez pour agrandir) :Ces personnages tels Mickey, Donald et Daisy et le nain Dormeur de Blanche Neige ne sont plus seulement des personnages connus, mais aussi des icônes d'une manière d'être et de penser occidentale, des projections d'un mode de vie social ou d'un mode de comportement social."
"Playful and universal
The plastic oevre of Don Ken wich largely consists of paintings in different sizes but asso comprises spatial objects, installations and whether or not monumental sculptures, looks very modern and has furthermore acquired international standing.
It could just as well have been German, French, British or American, both because of the visual language in itself and the spirit which inspires it. Form and concept have developed slowly: they bear the watermark of a strong personality with a broad intellectual baggage, they possess the supple and swift spontaneity of an artist who worked his own way through and nestled and created a unique profile of himself within this colourful individuality."
Hugo Brutin
"Not amount energy can..." 80x100 cm (cliquez pour agrandir) :
"Le monde is ours" 50x60 cm (cliquez pour agrandir) :
"It's not today the sky..." 100x80 cm (cliquez pour agrandir) :
"Fun to be good" 50x60 cm (cliquez pour agrandir) :
"Ca m'arrive souvent de ne penser à rien" 80x100 cm (cliquez pour agrandir) :
"Existence 's not enough" 60x70 cm (cliquez pour agrandir) :
"Always think positive" 60x70 cm (cliquez pour agrandir) :
"41 reason" 60x70 cm (cliquez pour agrandir) :